Posts Tagged ‘Taxi’

Support the Country – but not openly!

May 28, 2010

Madness in many ways is about to sweep the country.

The main way in which this is about to happen is with the World Cup.  Yes, many millions will be hooked and supporting their country through thick and thin.  Many thousands of others will be ensuring that we don’t too openly support Great Britain’s team and cause offence.  And it has started already!

Binmen in Liverpool have been ORDERED to sign contracts agreeing that they will not ‘fly the flag’ on their trucks for ‘health and safety’ reasons – as all will know this is just pathetic.  What ‘health and safety’ reasons?  Yes, I am sure that they can come up with them, but will these reasons really be valid?  I doubt it.

Madness has also hit the South of England where taxi drivers in Kent have been warned by Canterbury City Council that they could have their licences suspended if they fly the St George’s Cross.  Roger Vick who is Kent’s licensing guy for taxis said: ‘A taxi has to be seen as a public service vehicle. Lots of vehicles will be going around with flags on.  If a taxi has flags, this could create confusion as to whether it is a public service vehicle or not.’  What a lot of bollax!  What if the taxi drivers fly a different flag?  Will the same happen to them then?  I guess the answer, according to the above, is yes.

Personally I believe that those who attach flags to their cars in support of their team or country are just making money for others, but in their minds they are doing their openly honest duty, and their support means much to them individually.  It also, as a country, does much for its inhabitants, even if I think its madness.

If people want to fly the flag then they should be allowed to.

If it causes offence to some, then those some must just grin and bear it!In