Archive for May 3rd, 2010

How would I vote? Day 28

May 3, 2010

Well, the pace is hotting up and my interest is fatigued. Isn’t everyone’s, even those figting to stay in or gain UK governmental power?
Yes, everyone in the three main parties are yet again picking up the pace, in Gordon Brown’s case even taking to a helicopter to get him from A to B to C to…
Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg have been targeting key seats and the millions of people they say have not yet decided how to vote.
While Gordon Brown said he would fight ‘every inch’, David Cameron said his party will campaign through the night on Tuesday, while Nick Clegg told supporters “the sky’s the limit” and that they had “three days to change Britain”.
Clearly the media is kicking up all the frenzy – next time I just hope that politician’s will take lie-detector tests so that we can see who is telling the truth or, more likely, how much they are all lieing.
My vote is defaulted again…
Count to date…
Labour 0, Conservatives 18, Lib Dem 10.